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Module 2a — Office
and Records
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Email as a document in its own right

If the email is a document in its own right rather than a covering note, it is really a memo sent by email and should be treated in the same way as any other memo. It has the status of an official communication. It should take the same form including a file reference and be filed for easy retrieval.

Points to note:

  • Ensure that your subject line is informative and covers the main thrust of the email.
  • Keep your reader in mind. Do not use 'telexese'; write in complete sentences and use ILO jargon only if you know it will be understood by your reader.
  • Use a pattern of organization that is suitable for the type and purpose of the email (the same as for memos and letters).
  • Use headings and sub-headings if the email is long or complex.
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