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Module 2a — Office
and Records
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Assignment preparation task 6: Preparing letters

This is also a good time to get in contact with your tutor. You might like to have your tutor take a preliminary look at one of your drafts. If you have any questions or uncertainties at this time, do contact your tutor.

For your assignment portfolio, you can choose to submit up to two letters. As you work through this part of the module, keep your early drafts of the letter that you are planning to submit. When you are ready to do your final edit on the letter, make notes on the strengths and weaknesses in your writing. This will help you make the revisions that you may need to make to the final version that you submit. These notes will form part of the analysis that is included in this assignment.

For your comparison, you can use the following table. For each of the categories, add a description or observation in the first column and then write how you revised this in the second column.


First draft

Final version




Target reader(s)












Spelling, punctuation, grammar







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