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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b


This module will guide you through an analysis of your work-based writing strengths and weaknesses. On the basis of your analysis, you will be able to fine-tune your approach to readers and to writing.

At the ILO mastery of the writing process is essential. The demands are great and the mission important. Writing is a vital medium for disseminating information about efforts to improve international labour standards. Without it, there would be no accurate recording of actions taken or discussions among governments and their social partners, and no means of informing people of successes achieved and challenges ahead.

The writing context has several layers of difficulty. Much ILO writing must be translated, often into several languages and within a very tight timeline. Some of it must be divested of internal jargon before it can be relayed to the public and to donors or even to other parts of the ILO. These constraints have an effect on the fabric and style of the writing required.

This course aims to help you handle work-based writing tasks as effectively as possible. It seeks to help you establish strategies and skills that are general enough to fit a wide range of writing tasks. Ultimately it aims to assist your busy readers by making their reading tasks easier through writing that is clear, well organized, and as brief as practicable.

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