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Module 2a — Office
and Records
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Persuasion messages

The persuasion memo aims to get your reader to undertake an action that he or she is not obliged to take. You will not have to write this kind of message often at work; however, it is very useful to have an approach if the need arises, because it is quite difficult to write. Messages written to protest decisions, or suggest a change in an established  course of action, are usually in this pattern. The message pattern often follows the indirect approach as you read about earlier.

Persuasion message pattern — indirect or inductive

  • Start with a neutral statement.
  • Spell out your support, and lead up to your conclusions.
  • State your least controversial points first.
  • Present your views last.
  • Use your best evidence last.
  • Present rejected recommendations before your own.

Consider the memo below and notice how it differs from the previous examples:

Subject: Request to attend conference

This conference, The 15th Annual National E-Learning Conference (E-Learn) will be held 30 March - 2 April 2003, in Miami, Florida. The conference program will include tracks in the areas of learning communities, distance education, the internationalization of education, and innovative practices in professional development.

Neutral statement

The conference will bring together leading authorities and will include representatives from other UN-based organizations who have similar interests in expanding their current training programmes in a cost effective manner without compromising their educational value.

Building support
General benefits

One particular benefit from ILO participation in this conference is the opportunity it would provide to learn about how other organizations have been matching training to their technological infrastructures. This information may assist us with current projects. It would also give the ILO an opportunity to share with organizations working on similar projects our findings on the subject.

Building support
Specific benefits (impact on ILO)

I realize that the dates of the conference coincide with a very busy work period but I can assure you that my contributions to the various reports due at that time will be completed by the end of February.

The deadline for applications is 1 September.

Assurances against anticipated opposition.

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