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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

SECTION 4: Editing your writing

Effective writers realize that their first draft is usually just that: the first draft, not the final draft. This section will help you identify and edit aspects of writing that may prevent you from achieving the result you want from your reader.

You will focus on several aspects of writing that contribute to wordiness or excessive length. These include padding, redundancy, repetition, incorrect use of the passive voice, and noun-based writing. At the same time you will be able to practice refining sentences and paragraphs to make them clear, concise, and accurate. Writing clear, accurate prose that communicates your message effectively to your reader has a positive effect on your own credibility, and ultimately on the ILO’s reputation. It’s well worth the effort!

This module also includes a section on discriminatory writing, and how you can avoid using words and phrases that reflect poorly on specific groups of people.

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