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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
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Ordering ideas within sentences

It is the writer's job to make reading as easy as possible for the reader. In the previous screen, you saw examples of sentences that used coordinating or subordinating words to join ideas. Such words are useful to showing the relationship between ideas. However, you still need to be careful not to overdo it. That is, your sentences still need to be readable and focused on a main idea.

In work-related writing, it is usually important to make the main point of the sentence easy to find and any conditions or qualifications clearly subordinate. Have a look at the following example that makes too much use of subordinating and coordinating words.

Because personal and social development of individuals and the benefits to society from lifelong learning should be highlighted, this report argues that members should establish a national qualifications framework to facilitate lifelong learning and to realize other objectives, which the state government supports while pointing out that there are other principal factors underpinning the establishment of the national qualifications framework.

Personal and social development of individuals and the benefits to society from lifelong learning should be highlighted. As a result, this report argues that members should establish a national qualifications framework to facilitate lifelong learning and to realize other objectives. The state government supports this, but points out that there are other principal factors underpinning the establishment of the national qualifications framework.



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