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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Activity 9: Putting ideas together

Combine the following groups of sentences into one or two sentences that clearly indicate the relationship between the ideas:

Example 1

  1. Results achieved in employment services are important.
  2. They play a role in matching labour supply and demand and implementing active labour market policies.

Results achieved in employment services are important because of the role they play in matching labour supply and demand and implementing active labour market policies.

Example 2

  1. Progress can be reported for public employment services.
  2. Much work still needs to be done.

While progress can be reported for public employment services, much still needs to be done.

Example 3

  • The ILO was also instrumental in the establishment of a Coordinating Team on Rural Infrastructure Development (CTRID).
  • CTRID is an interagency committee with members from different government ministries and departments.

The ILO was also instrumental in the establishment of a Coordinating Team on Rural Infrastructure Development (CTRID), which is an interagency committee with members from different government ministries and departments.

Example 4

  1. Good practices and success stories are being documented.
  2. The reason they are being documented is because they can have a multiplier effect.
  3. They affect other enterprises.
  4. They affect the supply chain and subcontractors.

Good practices and success stories are being documented so that they can have a multiplier effect, not only in other enterprises, but also in the supply chain and their subcontractors.

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