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Module 2a — Office
and Records
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Organizing a summary record

Following is an extract of a well organized summary record. This record was produced after a meeting regarding the ILO’s response to the Tsunami that devastated Southern Asia in December 2004. As you can see, the formatting and organization makes the record easy to follow. It contains the relevant information for a meeting record and is focused around the agenda items.

Indian Ocean Tsunami – ILO Response

Informative title

Meeting of the HQ Crisis Response Core Group

Name of the group holding the meeting

(14 January 2005)


Participants: Stephen P--- (CABINET), Riswanul I--- (EMP/STRAT), Jane S--- (ED/EMP), Moucharaf P---, Tita P---, Iqbal A---, and Casper E--- (CODEV), Alfredo L---, Donato K--- and Federico N--- (IFP/CRISIS), Tom N---, (DCOMM) and Angela B--- (EXREL).

Names and departments of participants


  • Funding
  • People
  • Paper
  • Meetings

A clearly laid out agenda. This agenda forms the structure of the rest of the record.

Summary of discussions


1. Funding


S--- P--- (SP) informed the meeting that the Director-General had agreed to make available US$456,000 from the Cash Surplus allocated to the Asian Region for Tsunami-related activities…

Each agenda item begins as a heading so that it is clear what the discussions were all about.
The recorder begins with the person’s full name followed by the initials in parenthesis for easy reference later on in the record.

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