Punctuation Practice

For each sentence, decide if the punctuation is correct or incorrect. If it is incorrect, revise it.

Sentence 1 The entire staff was fully engaged; however, we almost missed the final deadline.
Correct as is

Your revision:

This sentence is correct as is.

Sentence 2 The deputy stayed late to help with the final proofreading and he was actually quite good at it.
Correct as is Your revision:

The deputy stayed late to help with the final proofreading, and he was actually quite good at it.

Sentence 3 The photocopying machine jammed yet, the report went out on time.
Correct as is Your revision:

The photocopying machine jammed, yet the report went out on time.

Sentence 4 The TTL praised the report but had no real idea of the amount of work involved.
Correct as is Your revision:

This sentence is correct as is.

Sentence 5 Although we are now confident about doing this kind of project we are not eager to start another one soon.
Correct as is Your revision:

Although we are now confident about doing this kind of project, we are not eager to start another one soon.

Sentence 6 The office is having a small celebration, I have offered to coordinate it.
Correct as is Your revision:

The office is having a small celebration; I have offered to coordinate it.

Sentence 7 When there is something to celebrate, we do.
Correct as is Your revision:

This sentence is correct as is.

Sentence 8 We will have the party on a Wednesday because of people’s varying work schedules.
Correct as is Your revision:

This sentence is correct as is.

Sentence 9 A few people will still have to miss the party, nevertheless we have decided to go ahead with it.
Correct as is Your revision:

A few people will still have to miss the party; nevertheless, we have decided to go ahead with it.

Sentence 10 I feel certain, however, that all of us will have a good time together.
Correct as is Your revision:

This sentence is correct as is.

Sentence 11 He wrote and revised the letter.
Correct as is Your revision:

This sentence is correct as is.

This exercise completes this section on sentence punctuation. Next, you’ll consider the mechanics of parallel construction.