
Good mechanics help you convey information to your readers without distracting or confusing them. There are many elements to good mechanics, only some of which were discussed in this module.

Correct mechanics require attention to detail.

  • Sentences are punctuated according to punctuation patterns. Pay attention to the type of sentence (complex or compound) and the presence or absence of conjunctions.
  • Lists and series are punctuated according to list contents. Pay attention to Bank guidelines and to the length of the items listed.
  • Parallel construction adds symmetry and flow to documents. Pay attention to the structure of verbs, nouns, clauses, and phrases, and ensure that you use similar forms for similar functions.
  • Relative pronouns clarify the relationship between parts of sentences. Pay attention to the different purposes served by which, that, and who.
  • Capital letters identify proper nouns. Pay attention to the role words are serving in a sentence to determine if they should be capitalized, and consult your style guide if you are unsure.
  • Connector words help the reader see how ideas are connected.

At times, correctness is a function of English grammar. At other times, correctness is a function of Bank style. When you are writing correspondence at the Bank, both are important.