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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
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Activity 6: Micro-editing

Each of these examples contains a common problem that can be solved with careful micro-editing. Identify the problems in the sentences in the following list and rewrite if necessary:

Problem: run-on sentence or comma splice.

International law is useful when there are gaps in national law and labour standards,comments by supervisory bodies can also be helpful.

Solution: Need to make two separate sentences.

A suggested revision: International law is useful when there are gaps in national law and labour standards. Comments by supervisory bodies can also be helpful.

Problem: no main verb. This causes a sentence fragment.

Various initiatives, using the Internet among other means, to promote better health and safety practices.

Solution: Need to add a verb to make a full sentence.

A suggested revision: Various initiatives, using the Internet among other means, can promote better health and safety practices.

Problem: an unclear relationship between parts of the sentence. It’s not clear what ‘which’ refers to.

The 62 staff members receive low salaries and a lot is expected of them, which leads to high turnover.

Solution: Need to make the logic between cause and effect clearer.

A suggested revision: The 62 staff members receive low salaries and a lot is expected of them. This situation leads to high turnover.

Problem: incorrect adjective to describe a countable noun (i.e., people)

Less people appear to be applying for assistance.

Solution: Need to use the correct adjective.

A suggested revision: Fewer people appear to be applying for assistance.

Problem: subject-verb agreement is incorrect. Members is plural but ‘takes’ refers to a singular noun. The confusion is with ‘who’, which refers to the plural ‘staff members’ not ‘Mr Singh.’

Mr Singh is one of those staff members whotakes great pride in the quality of their work.

Solution: Need to put the verb in its proper form.

A suggested revision: Mr Singh is one of those staff members who take great pride in the quality of their work.

Problem: subject-verb agreement is incorrect.

Negotiating with private industry and recipient countries are part of the planning process for proactive procurement.

Solution: Need to put the verb in its proper form.

Suggested revision: Negotiating with private industry and recipient countries is part of the planning process for proactive procurement.

Problem: This is called a dangling participle. The subject of the sentence should do the action of the participle (in this case, ‘on returning’). But the report doesn’t return from Thailand; the writer does.

On returning from Thailand, a mission report is required.

Solution: The participle and the noun must be in agreement

Suggested revision: On returning from Thailand, you are required to write a mission report.

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