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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Activity 3: Identifying noise

Consider the following scenario, with these questions in mind:

  • What barriers can you predict?
  • How would the environment influence the wording and timing of your memo to your supervisor?

You would like to get approval for a budget increase for your project. The project is going well and you feel your request is justified. However, you know your immediate supervisor has been under pressure lately, particularly regarding financing of other projects undertaken by your section. Your immediate supervisor will be leaving in two weeks for an extended business trip, and you hope to get this issue resolved before then.

What barriers can you predict?

Resistance to proposal by supervisor
Timing problems

How would the environment influence the wording and timing of your memo to your supervisor?

Need to make it short
Wait until some financial pressure is off supervisor
Structure request to emphasize benefits to Bureau and hence to supervisor

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