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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Choosing a proper communication channel

Consider the example we just used in the previous activity. What would be the best channel to communicating the required information? Would you rather do it orally (e.g., by telephone) or in written form (e.g., email, fax)?
In order to write a useful note you would need to anticipate the questions your visitor might have:

  • Which bus?
  • Which direction?
  • How do I get a ticket?
  • How do I recognize which bus stop to get off at?
  • How do I recognize the building?
  • Which door do I use?
  • Where is the building in relation to where I am staying?

A written note is no easy option here. Telephone allows more immediate feedback to help clarify your message. A written note compels you to guess what your visitor's questions might be and answer them in advance. With either channel, you still have language problems to overcome, but you might assume that your visitor's reading comprehension skills are better than his oral skills, especially over the telephone.
For each communication activity you undertake at work, you need to select the channel that:

  • is the most appropriate for the circumstances;
  • gives you the best chance of achieving your objective (or desired response).

Pausing to consider possible obstacles that may block your message will help you choose an appropriate channel.

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