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Module 2b —
Report Writing
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Assignment preparation task 6: Drafting

Building on your outline, write a rough draft of the body of your report now. Do NOT edit it yet. As you work through the rest of the module, you can work on its various parts as we discuss them. You will edit and proofread towards the end of this module.
Please ensure that you do not continue until you have completed this step. You will need a first draft in order to complete the activities in the next section, Key sections of a report.

Keep a note of how long the drafting stage takes you and any observations about the process and record this in your Reflections File.

Note: If you will be submitting your draft to one of the editorial departments of the ILO such as OFFDOC, it is a good idea to consult with the department early on in the drafting process. This will ensure that you follow the prescribed guidelines on matters of style, presentation, referencing, and so on. Consulting ILO’s editors early on will save you time in the overall process of writing your report.

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