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Module 2b —
Report Writing
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Assignment preparation task 5: Organizing

Now that you have had a chance to practise some of these ideas, you can put them into action as part of your assignment preparation task.

Using the ideas and strategies in this section, produce an outline for your report. You will need to consider the purpose and audience, the hierarchy of ideas, and the pattern of organization you will adopt.

You will submit your outline to your tutor along with your completed report. You can send the outline to your tutor now if you wish to receive some preliminary feedback.

What to do

Open a new Word document, and save it into your assignment folder.

Develop an outline for your report using one of the techniques discussed in this module. You will need to consider the purpose and audience, the hierarchy of ideas, and the pattern of organization you will adopt.

In your Reflections File, record the approach you used and how effective you found it. Also, record the length of time taken for this step.

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