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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Assignment preparation task 1: Thinking about your assignment

Your assignment for this module consists of two separate parts: Assignment 1A and Assignment 1B. Each of these parts is explained in detail at the end of the module. As you work through the module you will be given guidelines for preparing your assignment. This page offers some advice for thinking about your Assignment 1A.

Assignment 1A involves a critical analysis of your own workplace writing. Look back through some of the writing you have been doing lately at work and choose three or four samples. These can be in any format: letter, memo, fax, email (of some length), briefing note, report, etc. A variety would be most useful. Print copies and keep them handy or put them in a folder on your computer desktop so that you can refer to them easily when you need to, as you begin to prepare your first assignment. You will choose one of these samples to analyse in Assignment 1A.

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