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Module 1 — Effective
writing: Strategies
and principles
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Module objectives

By the time you have completed this module, you should be able to produce work-based writing that shows you can:

  • formulate a clear objective for each document you write;
  • analyse your target readers and their needs and write appropriately to meet those needs while achieving your own objectives;
  • identify barriers that may prevent written communication from being effective;
  • write in a style that is appropriate to your readers and your work context;
  • develop strategies to help improve your writing process;
  • recognize aspects of ineffective writing;
  • apply editing techniques to help avoid and correct ineffective writing.

This first module tackles the basics of good organizational writing by focusing on how communication works and what prevents it from being effective.

You will find activities throughout this course. As you work your way through the first module, you will use the activities to analyse your own writing, and try some new approaches. The activities will help you focus on the strengths and weaknesses of your own work. You will be able to try out some analysis of your own work as part of the Module 1 assignment.

The work in Module 1 lays the foundation for the second level modules. You will choose and complete one of these second level modules in order to complete the requirements for passing this course.

You will find at least some of the concepts in this module very familiar. If you are tempted to skip any exercise because you feel you already understand the principles and practices in it, please make sure you at least think about the concept in relation to your own writing. There is often a gap between what we understand and what we put into practice. Many of the activities are actually harder to do than they look. Try them before you compare your responses with the suggested responses. Otherwise, you will miss the benefits of practice with immediate feedback that this course offers.

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