Learning Tips

There are many advantages to studying by distance education – a full set of learning materials is provided, and you can study close to home in your own community. You can also plan some of your study time to fit in with other commitments, such as work or family.

However, there are also challenges. Learning away from your learning institution requires discipline and motivation. Here are some tips for studying at a distance.

  1. Plan – Give priority to study sessions with your tutor and make sure you allow enough travel time to your meeting place. Make a study schedule and try to stick to it. Set specific days and times each week for study and keep them free of other activities. Make a note of the dates that your assessment pieces are due and plan for extra study time around those dates.
  2. Manage your time – Set aside a reasonable amount of time each week for your study programme but don’t be too ambitious or you won’t be able to keep up the pace. Work in productive blocks of time and include regular rests.
  3. Be organised – Have your study materials organised in one place and keep your notes clearly labelled and sorted. Work through the topics systematically.
  4. Find a good place to study – Most people need order and quiet to study effectively, so try to find a suitable place to do your work preferably somewhere where you can leave your study materials set out ready until next time.