Dialogue with the Reader: A Planning Document

With the imagined conversation from the previous screen fresh in your mind, complete a Dialogue with the Reader Worksheet to plan an e-mail that would be appropriate in this situation. Remember, it will be a responsive e-mail, since the administrative officer began the conversation by asking you to outline your training needs.

Complete the Dialogue with the Reader Worksheet now.

Dialogue with the Reader

1. Focus my thoughts


(Why am I writing?

To respond to the reader’s original request


Administrative officer

Reader’s Original Request

What are your training needs for the upcoming fiscal year?

2. Plan the Document
Reader’s Questions My Answers
What is this about?

(Responsive reminder statement: This sentence reminds the reader of the original request.)
[Examples: You asked me to … or As we discussed …]
You asked me to outline my training needs for the upcoming fiscal year.

What is your response [to my original request]?

(Main message: This sentence responds to the reader’s original request.)
I need training in French language and Excel.

Reader's next questions:
(Fill in questions arising from main message.)

1. Why do you need French language training?
  • An increase in the amount of work in the unit with people who speak only French.
  • I need to take minutes at some of our meetings, which are held only in French (supervisor’s request).
  • I want to improve written skills (spoken French is better).
2. Why do you need Excel training?
  • For record-keeping in Project Y.
  • I need to learn the tricks to using the program so I can update  my records more efficiently
  • Team agrees it is the best program for the task.
Follow-up action required? Need any other closing?

Let me know if you have questions.