
Effective correspondence writing is not just about keeping your sentences short and using correct punctuation. It is about having a clear purpose for writing and then choosing and organizing your information with the reader in mind.

Good planning is essential to effective writing. The type of document you are writing will help you determine its purpose and the best way to start it. To select and organize the information you will include in your document, a useful approach is to imagine having a dialogue with the reader. The dialogue approach uses a question-and-answer format that will help you anticipate and meet your reader’s needs.

Your assignment for this module will take you through the process of planning a document and then writing a first draft. You will complete a Reader Analysis and a Dialogue with the Reader Worksheet based on whether you are planning to write a responsive or an initiative document. As you work through this module, you will develop the components of your Dialogue Worksheet. You will then turn the components of your dialogue into a written document.

“The main message has to be clear at the beginning.”
―Country Director