
Welcome to the course!

As someone who frequently composes written correspondence as a representative of the World Bank, you have a great but often understated responsibility. To a large degree, the Bank’s success depends on how well you communicate your ideas to others. Getting others to accept your message often leads to action that furthers the Bank’s mission of eradicating poverty.

Writing effectively is a skill that you can develop, improve, and practice with success. In this course, you will explore techniques that can help you do this. You will learn some new strategies that will help you plan and draft well-written e-mails and letters.

Throughout the course, you will see quotes about good writing. The quotes were gathered during interviews with Bank managers — country directors, program managers, learning coordinators, and others. These quotes show how the principles taught in this course reflect what Bank managers say is important in Bank writing.

“We should not underestimate the impact that writing has
on us and our client — positive and negative.
It is our first contact with the client.”
―Country Director