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Course Guide
Course Guide   Module 1   Module 2a   Module 2b

Assessment: how to pass the course

The activities discussed above provide you with a measure of self-assessment of your progress through the course. In addition, you will receive a formal assessment of your assignments from your tutor.

At the end of each module, you will submit an assignment to your tutor as an e-mail attachment. (Please send only completed assignments to your tutor.) Your tutor will mark the assignment, and provide detailed written feedback on the quality of your work and give advice on any areas needing improvement. Should your initial submission not meet the set performance criteria (listed in each module), you will be given the opportunity to rework your assignment in the light of your tutor's feedback. (You can do this only twice.) At the conclusion of the course, you will receive an overall assessment, based on an ungraded pass system. This means your work will be graded as either pass, insufficient or incomplete. There is no final examination.

To pass the course you must meet the performance criteria for the assignment for both Module 1 and the assignment for one of the second-level modules. You will be awarded a certificate from the Commonwealth of Learning on successful completion of the course.

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