Storing Files

Each module has three different kinds of activities.

  • Interactive activities, where you complete a task within the course module using your web browser. You can complete these activities as many times as you like. They are not saved.
  • Reflections File activities, where you complete a task in preparation for your module assignment. You must save these reflections files on your computer.
  • Module assignments, which you complete when you have worked through the module. You must save the module assignments and upload them to Moodle so that your tutor can review them and provide you with feedback.

For Reflections File activities and module assignments, you will need to save your work somewhere safe. We recommend that, for each module, you create new folders in your personal folder system, one labeled Reflections and one labeled Assignments. You can then store all of your work as you progress through the module. Remember to save the assignments with tutor comments for future reference from Moodle to your computer’s hard drive.